Introducing the Bacon Score

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[The Bacon Score] helps businesses make informed decisions and ensures that our top-performing workers are rewarded with the best opportunities.

Hunter Sebresos
Bacon CEO

Why Change the rating System?

While the 5-star rating system was helpful, it didn't accurately or completely represent all of the hard work and commitment Bacon workers were putting into shifts.

We believe in recognizing and rewarding everyone on the Bacon app when they Hustle and Shine. We also want to give businesses a more complete view of a worker's performance so that great Bacon workers are rewarded with more shift opportunities.

What are the Changes?

Businesses and workers on the Bacon app will now see a Bacon score from 0 to 1000 that reflects a worker's reliability and on-shift performance.

There are three major factors that impact the Bacon Score:

Consistently showing up for your shifts, including back-up shifts, on the Bacon app will increase your Bacon Score. Not showing up or withdrawing late will negatively impact your score.

4- and 5-star ratings from businesses on your shifts will increase your score. Low ratings will decrease your score. Follow instructions, stay on task, and work well with others.

Recent Activity:
More recent shifts count more toward your score. Working a variety of shifts each month will increase your Bacon Score.