Warehouse Staffing
October 9, 2024

How Many Warehouses Use Temp Labor?

BACON collected data on 122 warehouses in the Las Vegas, NV, Dallas, TX and Fort Worth, TX areas.

Bacon Inc

BACON collected data on 122 warehouses in the Las Vegas, NV,  Dallas, TX and Fort Worth, TX areas. BACON asked warehouse managers if they utilized temporary workers, and how often those workers were used.

Of the 122 warehouses 38.5% of managers reported they used temporary workers in their warehouse.

38.5% of warehouses use temporary labor

59.6% of warehouse managers reported to use temporary workers daily. These temporary workers are used to meet daily demands and consistently help warehouses meet operation goals. 

BACON has many features that simplify and streamline this process. BACON allows managers to create shift templates and to post multiple shifts to the platform at once. And the favorites list feature lets managers create a bench of temporary workers that have worked for them before. Workers on favorites lists can be directly invited to future shifts. 

While 40.4% reportedly use them to meet seasonal demands. These workers are used when demands rise and more workers are needed. 

BACON is a perfect fit for this type of labor need. Managers have the flexibility and control they need over temporary staff. When shifts are needed managers simply post the shifts on the app. They have full control over head count and worker wages.

Warehouses often use temp labor, 59.6% daily 40.5% seasonaly
  • 38.5% of warehouses use temporary workers 
  • 59.6 use temps daily
  • 40.4% use temps seasonally 

Though 61.5% of warehouses did not report using temporary workers, they are still faced with staffing problems. Problems with finding workers, workers showing up, and high worker turnover rates are common and daily challenges warehouse managers face.  

In research done by Indeed Flex, 70% of hiring managers, in all industries, report a low fulfillment rate due to not finding the right workers. And temp labor fill rates are an average of 40% fill rate. BACON has an average fill rate of 90% across all industries. A key factor in producing this high of a fill rate is utilizing incentives. 

Mikey Hernandez CMO at LaceUp Solutions calls incentives the “secret sauce” of reducing warehouse worker turnover

“Incentives are the only way to stop people from being unproductive, to stop stealing from you, to stop taking advantage of their hours in your warehouse.”  -Mikey Hernandez LaceUp Solutions CMO

BACON is able to reach an average fill rate of 90% in part because of the BACON Score. A comprehensive score that reflects a workers’ ability to come to work and work hard. The BACON Score is visible to both workers and businesses. This motivates workers to do their best to boost their score and get access to more shifts.

national average fill rate is 40%. BACON average fill rate is 90%

Research shows that 38.5% of warehouses use temp labor. 47 out of 122 warehouse managers in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Fort Worth reported they use temporary labor. 59.6% of warehouses that use temporary labor use temps on a daily basis. While 40.4% who use temps use temporary workers on a seasonal basis to help meet seasonal demands.

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