On-Demand Staffing
December 11, 2024

Find Temp Workers Quickly: For Catering and General Labor Staffing

On-demand staffing is a flexible and reliable way for catering and general labor staffing needs.

Bacon Inc

Imagine this, there’s an important event or project in a few days. Your current staffing numbers won’t be enough. Days go by as you try to find the staff you need. But option after option falls through and when the day comes you’re short-staffed.

Managers across industries are all too familiar with that feeling. Finding reliable temp workers for catering events and general labor tasks is difficult. Temp staffing is a common source of stress for managers, while understaffing can potentially cause loss of revenue to the whole business.

Temporary Staffing is Essential 

The events and catering industry is dynamic in nature. Staff is needed during events, but in between jobs, staffing isn’t needed. This creates a problem with retaining reliable workers. Catering staff fill needs like servers, cooks, dishwashers, bartenders, etc. 

General labor projects fluctuate as demands go up and down. General labor workers working in warehouses are often only needed during times of increased demand. Temp workers working in construction clean up are only needed at the end of projects. 

The fluctuating demands of these industries require a staffing solution that is flexible and quick.  

Staffing Agencies

Traditional staffing agencies are not flexible enough to meet the needs of catering and general labor staffing. Temp agencies send businesses pre-vetted workers to work shifts. But far too often these temp agency workers are not reliable. And the process of finding workers is too slow to meet real-time needs.

Traditional catering staffing agencies require contracted time for the workers, regardless of event needs, which lowers cost-effectiveness as workers are only needed during events. Staffing agencies don’t allow the flexibility of matching staffing to real-time needs.

Staffing Agencies 

  • Pros: some text
    • Pre-Vetted Workers 
    • Local Workers
    • Access to lots of workers 
  • Cons:some text
    • Slow process
    • Not Flexible 
    • Unreliable 
    • Not Cost effective 

Temp agencies do provide access to local, protected workers. But, the slow process and limited flexibility affect the cost effectiveness and productivity of the staffing solution.

On-demand Staffing apps: The Modern Solution

What They Are

On-demand staffing apps are online platforms that connect businesses with temp workers instantly. 

How They Work

When using an on-demand staffing platform, managers post the shifts they need filled. Managers choose the shift details, including worker numbers, skills needed, worker hours and worker wages. Once a shift is ready it is posted to the platform. 

Workers are then notified of the new shift posted and can view the shift details. If they are interested, they apply to work the shift. Managers then accept the workers they want to work the shift and reject the rest. Managers can make decisions based on ratings and reviews on the worker’s profile.

After a shift is worked, managers have the chance to rate and review the workers. If there are workers they like they can invite them back to future shifts. 

On-demand Staffing apps 

  • Pros:some text
    • Immediate access to a pool of background-checked workers
    • Flexibility to scale up or down based on need
    • Simplified payment process
    • Build a bench of workers
    • Reliable Workers 
    • Local Workers 
    • Accountability Systems
    • Control over shifts 
  • Cons:some text
    • Requires more initial effort in the beginning

Key Benefits for Catering Managers 

On-demand staffing apps are a great fit for catering temp staff. On-demand staffing app Bacon is a reliable and quick solution for events and catering. Mangers like the control Bacon gives them over their staff. With the ability to require skills and experience, like servers or bartenders. 

Managers also like the flexibility and speed of Bacon. Managers can post shifts when there are events and don’t have to worry about retaining workers when work is slow.

Key Benefits for General Labor Managers 

On-demand staffing apps, like Bacon, give managers access to pre-background checked workers. Bacon is cost effective for general labor staff. With Bacon, businesses only pay for the hours the workers work without long-term commitment. 

Workers on Bacon are more reliable because of the rating system. The Bacon Score displays a worker's reliability. The workers know businesses see these ratings and are motivated to work hard to get a good score.

Simplify Staffing for Your Catering and General Labor Needs

On-demand staffing is a flexible and reliable way for catering and general labor staffing needs. Bacon saves time, money and stress. Try Bacon today and never worry about being short-staffed again.

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